Designed for students entering the universities of Kazakhstan, as well as for students studying the history of Kazakhstan.
The program provides an opportunity to test the 30 options, each of which has 30 questions (total 900 questions). In response to the current question of the test will need to select one answer among the five presented. Upon completion of the test results are saved. You can view the correct answers. The program is in Russian.
First you download the program for free with incomplete features - DEMO-version (only 30 test questions): (479 KB)
During each run the DEMO-version of the program will display a passkey (a combination of numbers) on which to complete the operation of the program need to enter the activation keys. After payment (purchase) - You will receive E-MAIL and codewords. On the specified e-mail you send doolzhny letter, the letter should make the access key and the code word. Then during the day you will receive activation keys.
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