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199 RUR
FRAMED Collection Steam Key REGION FREE

199 RUR

Продавец : SteamRocket

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FRAMED Collection is a new compilation of the critically-acclaimed, multi-award winning noir puzzle games FRAMED and FRAMED 2.

Change the order, change the outcome.

Rearrange the panels of an animated comic book to craft the story of a noir-styled spy adventure. Presented in an extensive series of visual puzzles, requiring logic and imagination, each panel move changes the current narrative, leading to all kinds of comedic blunders, untimely deaths—and when solved correctly—stylish heists, fast getaways and nail-biting escapades.

With multi-award winning, genre-bending puzzle design, stylish hand crafted art and animation, a satisfying difficulty curve, and an original live jazz soundtrack--fusing modern themes and funky beats--the FRAMED Collection is a unique experience no other puzzle game can match.


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