27.01.2022 15:57:58
After opening the account, it will show that the game which named "STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order" has been redeemed. There is no problem with other games.The game itself is not expensive, but there is a feeling of being cheated. This is not the first time to buy something in PLATI, but this purchase experience undoubtedly makes me very dissatisfied with PLATI. Even when I buy again in the future, I will be very cautious. Just after timely and effective communication with the seller, the seller immediately reissued the game exchange code. Although it has still been exchanged, the seller sent the game exchange code again, and finally successfully exchanged it this time. Although the purchase experience twists and turns, but the seller is willing to actively solve, it is still very good. Praise the seller for timely remedy. 登陆账户后,上面显示《星球大战绝地武士:堕落的秩序》的游戏已被兑换。但是其他的游戏没有问题。虽然游戏价值本身并不贵,但有我还是有一种被欺骗了的感觉。这也不是第一次在PLATI买东西了,但是这次的购买经历无疑使我对PLATI产生了很不满的情绪,甚至以后在这上面再次购买时我都会异常谨慎了。 刚刚及时有效的和卖家沟通,卖家立即补发了游戏兑换码,虽然依旧已经被兑换了,卖家又一次发了游戏兑换码,这次终于成功兑换了。虽然购买经历一波三折,但是卖家肯积极解决,还是挺不错的。为卖家及时补救点赞。
27.01.2022 15:40:06
可以可以 遇到问题找客服 很耐心 已领到!!
26.01.2022 16:25:12
куда ещё проще
25.01.2022 19:12:11
25.01.2022 18:04:53
25.01.2022 13:17:50
very good
25.01.2022 11:57:07
24.01.2022 22:38:24
Please record the screen when you use it after you buy it. If there is a problem, please contact the seller and provide strong evidence when you change it
24.01.2022 22:37:55
24.01.2022 22:36:12