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ОТЧЕТ по прохождению учебной практики
Design of square broaches Option 35
Design of square broaches Option 39
Design of square broaches Option 48
Design of square broaches Option 62
Design of square broaches Option 68
Design of square broaches Option 72
Design of round broaches Option 11
Design of round broaches Option 12
Design of round broaches Option 15
Design of round broaches Option 17
Design of round broaches Option 18
Design of round broaches Option 19
Design of round broaches Option 2
Design of round broaches Option 20
Design of round broaches Option 3
Design of round broaches Option 4
Design of round broaches Option 6
Design of round broaches Option 7
Design of round broaches Option 9
Design of broaching of straight splines Option 22
Design of broaching of straight splines Option 23
Design of broaching of straight splines Option 24
Design of broaching of straight splines Option 25
Design of broach prambody Option slots 26
Design of broach prambody slots Option 27
Design of broach prambody slots Option 28
Design of broaching of straight-wire slots Option 32
Design of broach prambody slots Option 33
Design a round shaped cutter Option 04