После оплаты вы мгновенно получаете лицензионный ключ для активации игры BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger в системе Steam.
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Игра не имеет территориальных ограничений - REGION FREE и подходит для активации в любой стране.
The game has no territorial restrictions - REGION FREE and is suitable for activation in any country.
АКЦИЯ БОНУС-ШАНС – при покупке игры, у вас есть шанс получить бесплатно ключ от случайной игры. Случайный рандом-ключ будет отправляться с каждым пятым проданным товаром, получившим положительный отзыв. Оставьте положительный отзыв о товаре, в нем укажите «хочу подарок» и возможно повезет именно вам! Всем желаем удачи!
Языки: English, German, French, Italian, Korean, Spanish - Spain, Traditional Chinese, Japanese
The first hi-res 2D fighter from the creators of the Guilty Gear series! BlazBlue is a traditional 2D fighter where two characters participate in a duel. The story of the game involves dissent and destruction among a powerful council, known unofficially as "the Library," which controls a great power that once saved humanity, but which now wields its power in protective, some say repressive, ways.
A round is called a "rebel" and one match can consist of one to five "rebels". To win a round, one player must either incapacitate the other by inflicting damage through various attacks to reduce their opponent´s health to zero or by having more remaining health than their opponent after the clock runs out. Every character has a weak, medium and strong attack. Also every ones has a "unique" technique, called a Drive attack, which is different for each character.
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