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Uploaded: 16.04.2009

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The "Interactive Topic" will certainly be useful for beginners to learn conversational Chinese. The "Interactive Topic" has collected a 5 themes and more than 160 new words. Most accompanied by a picture of words, a visual connection with the characters. To memorize the tone of the character color coding is used. All words voiced announcers native speakers. The program has a training mode 1 and 4 test, to test your knowledge

Test modes:

1. Translation into Russian character (before you open the character, you must choose the correct option - translation into Russian)

2. Translation from Russian to Chinese (Russian word you see, you need to choose a translation into Chinese)

3. Listening to the Russian translation. (You can hear the Chinese word, but do not see how it is written, and must choose from a list of Russian translation)

4. Listening with translation into Chinese (the Chinese word you hear, and have to choose from a list of word written in hieroglyphs)
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