Final exam RFEI Rhetoric answers the 70 questions test.
There is also the full text of all issues.
3 The first question from the test:
1. What influenced the formation of the moral barrier of older and younger generations living. in Russia?
a) A large amount of hypocrisy in the society;
b) The rise of patriotic sentiment;
c) the growing influence of the West.
2. What kind of person will be able to convince the interlocutor of the need to attend courses of sewing?
a) A person belonging to a neutral interlocutor;
6) A close relative;
c) A person belonging to the benevolent interlocutor.
3. At that, during a conversation with someone whose sincerity you doubt, you should pay attention in order to bring it to a "clean water"?
a) but the emotional speech;
6) On the exterior;
c) On the gestures and facial expressions.
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