Content: allmetal.rar (14.30 MB)
Uploaded: 01.12.2008

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Aircraft design of sheet metal are the most common in the construction of aircraft, they are widely used in large aircraft over the last fifty years.

Solid aerostructures replaced pipe and wooden construction with fabric covering due to the set of privileges: all-metal structure does not require a separate frame for the perception of stress and skin, providing an outer shape of the aircraft. Besides the metal does not require delicate handling, as compared with the cloth and wood, to a lesser extent affected by moisture and ultraviolet rays. Features metal design allow you to make easier and more durable.

In addition, well-designed structure made of sheet metal has a high level of safety in a crash, because the energy is extinguished gradually deforming structure.

This e-book provides information on the basic principles of manufacturing all-metal aircraft. All technology of the elements and assembly design - with examples of real aircraft manufacturing. E-book contains 140 assembly schemes, as well as 420 photographs.

Format - eBook (.exe)

in .rar-archive.

Volume 14,2 Mb

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