Instant delivery card!
This key can be used exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
In order to activate this key, you must have installed the base game
The map gives you the opportunity to pay your game time for 60 days of game
(If World of Warcraft account RUSSIAN version)
The map is not suitable for the American and European versions!
The map is not suitable for the activation of the trial (guest) account!
This card has regional restrictions and suitable for activation only in Russia and the CIS.
Activation by an account on
1. Log into your account on the site
2. Next, "Control of the game"
3. Select "Prepaid"
4. In the form that appears, enter the code for the purchased time cards and click on "I agree"
5. Enjoy the game 60 days, then return to us again for one card :)