In the darkness of the last days of World War II, in the midst of the ruins of Berlin, a single bullet can change the course of history...
Sniper Elite V2 is the long-awaited sequel to the acclaimed Sniper Elite game, which gives players the opportunity to truly feel like a World War II sniper. You are the elite American sniper Carl Fairbairn. After dropping over Berlin during the last battle of the German army, you must prevent the Red Army from seizing the technology of the Nazi V2 missile program. You must help scientists who intend to flee to the United States and eliminate those who will help the Russians.
Use realistically recreated weapons, learn to track down your targets, strengthen your position, and plan shots. Use your skills, patience and cunning to complete the mission. Being trapped between two armies in a desperate race against time, you will fully experience the importance of passing the game in stealth mode. The famous "bullet cam" from Sniper Elite has become even more bloody and brutal than before — masterful shots are rewarded with slow-motion shooting of the bullet´s flight, followed by an X-ray image of how it enters the target, destroying everything in its path. Organs are tearing, bones are breaking, teeth are flying apart — the power of a sniper bullet is fully shown.
On the border of the Second World War and the Cold War, every bullet counts. Use them wisely.
Instructions for activating keys on Steam:
1) Download and install the Steam client
2) Register an account, or log in to an existing one using your login.
3) Go to the "My Games" section and select "Activate via Steam...", and enter the key received after payment.
4) After activation, the game will appear in the list of games (Library) and you can download it
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