🗝️ Xbox License Code (Xbox Gift Card) to recharge for Turkey region account.⚡ Automatic issue (you will receive the product immediately after payment) ⚡❗ For activation on TURKEY (TRY) accounts, currency must be TL.
❗ If you have a different region change it to TURKEY.
❗ Digital keys purchased by mistake (due to inattention) cannot be returned or exchanged.
⚠️ Description:
The Xbox 25/50/100 TRY payment card allows you to top up your Microsoft Store virtual wallet balance
Xbox gift cards are a great way to top up your wallet balance in the Xbox service (Microsoft Store) and purchase any xbox games, services or game content for your console or PC./attention
🔰 How to activate?
1. Go to Microsoft Store, select the menu on the left -> Redeem
2. Enter the resulting code
💻For your protection, be sure to record the screen from the beginning of your purchase to the time you activate the code so that if anything happens, we can help you replace the code or refund your money.💻
(Refund only if you provide a video recording from the beginning of the purchase)
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