⚡Use the account for testing purposes: testing the equipment and mechanics of the game
⚡After purchase, you will INSTANTLY receive a Login and Password for the World of Tanks (Lesta) ACCOUNT with 5,500 gold on your balance
For 5,500 gold, you can buy 10 New Year´s boxes and try your luck! (the store is our New Year - boxes for gold)
💥 Important! CONSIDER THIS when placing an order!
⚡ You get access to the World of Tanks account from Lesta with 5,500 gold on your balance.
⚡ We do not provide access to mail, a phone number can be linked to the account.
⚡ You CANNOT change the data, do not try to change or delete the data on it.
⚡💥 Seller´s warranty at the time of purchase. The further fate of the account is only in your hands!.💥
✅ Advantages:
⭐ Only YOU own the account
⭐ Product format: [Login:Password] to enter the World of Tanks from Lesta
🎁 The account can have different equipment, silver and consumables - this is a BONUS!!
⚠ The guarantee only covers the functionality of the account, all other reasons (didn´t like the account, the account was blocked due to your fault) are not accepted or are considered individually
⚠ All further manipulations with the account are performed at your own risk, the seller does not bear any responsibility for your actions on the account!
04.09.2024 19:45:08
Key is okay. :)