📜 How to buy Valorant Point?
📀 If you pay with Binance Pay, Cryptocurrencies, you get 10% off
🌎 Regardless of your location, you can purchase TON directly from Telegram✈️ (@wallet) and make payment through your wallet 💰
1) Select the number of Valorant Points from the list
2) Provide your Xbox Login and password (Aka, Microsoft).
3) After paying for the item, you need to report a “unique code” on the dialog page
4) To sign in to Xbox accounts, you may need a code that should arrive in your mail/SMS (Check the chat after purchase).
5) Order fulfillment may take up to 24 hours from the time of payment
⚠️ 1) If you decided to buy something and you got an error “Your card data does not correspond to the region of the store”, then you will be blocked for 7 days. I and any other seller will not be able to buy you the desired product, you better wait 1 week and then buy.
⚠️ 2) Refund Policy:
📍 We will make full refund if:
1.The terms of the transaction were not fulfilled on the seller´s part or not fulfilled in full (purchased) volume
2. More than 24 hours have passed, after payment (The delay is caused by the seller´s side)
📍 We will refund 20% less of the money spent if:
1. You purchased the item but decided to make a return
2. You purchased the item on a different game platform (The item has NOT been delivered to the account yet. Once the item has been delivered, we do not do refunds)
3. And any other reason for a refund
02.08.2024 0:11:09
Очень доволен покупкой! продавец добрый человек. +rep