Tales of Berseria is an action role-playing game and the sixteenth installment in the Tales series. TALES series character designer Mutsumi Inomata worked on the design of the main character, and the famous Japanese studio ufotable took part in the animation in the game videos.
The plot of the game tells about the past of a good-natured and gentle girl named Velvet, who, after a terrible tragedy, joined a gang of cruel pirates. Like previous games in the series, Tales of Berseria features a large and open world, as well as an advanced combat system based on the need to combine physical and magical attacks.
21.10.2024 23:48:43
Ключ пришел быстро. Спасибо!
29.06.2024 23:51:18
09.05.2024 1:12:15
Мгновенная доставка, спасибо
08.05.2024 6:35:20
Всё отлично
28.04.2024 23:58:44
Все четко, спасибо
09.04.2024 19:48:32
Все хорошо