By purchasing this product you will receive the game HELLDIVERS™ 2 as a gift for your Russian STEAM account.
The gift is transferred manually. Working hours from 11 to 23 Moscow time. If we have free time, we can give out the gift at a later time. We recommend that you immediately send a link to quickly add as a friend so that we can immediately add you and send you a gift if, for example, you are in a different time zone.
Attention, activation is only possible on a Russian account. Before paying, you need to check if your region is correct. You can do this via the link (log in to your account). Make sure that in the “Country” field you write “Russia”.
The game cannot be saved to inventory or transferred. If you want to buy a game as a gift, provide a link to the recipient´s profile.
HELLDIVERS™ 2 is a team-based third-person shooter that pits elite Hell Marines in battles across the galaxy to rid the world of alien threats. In third-person combat, players will use a variety of weapons (pistols, machine guns, flamethrowers) and stratagems (turrets, air raids, etc.) to destroy hordes of enemies. The battle scenes are filled with blood and body parts of alien enemies. When friendly fire occurs - as well as when explosives go off unsuccessfully - players receive damage and also bleed or fly apart. In addition, blood and enemy remains can be found on battlefields and military camps. New Shadows and get closer to the truth.