⭐️ Register a TURKEY PLAYSTATION account to your e-mail account
⭐️ Your e-mail must not contain Russian .ru domain for successful account creation.
⭐️ Specify the e-mail to which you want to register the account, choose a convenient method and pay for the purchase.
⭐️ After the purchase you will receive a 16-digit unique order code, you need to send this code to us in the chat that will open after the purchase, the code will also come to the mail that you specified when paying (if you accidentally closed the chat after the purchase, you can open it again on the site - oplata.info).
⭐️ Then, when we register the account, you will need to confirm the email and we will send you the password and the date of birth of the account.
⭐️ The account will be completely yours, you can change any data on the account.