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Ready answers to the Psychosemantics test.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
Delivery: fresh.
The result of passing is 70-100 points.
Below you can find questions on the Psychosemantics test.

1. Each individual, on the basis of his psychological image of the surrounding reality, forms a certain, objectively determined

2. Discourse is:

3. A sign is based on the physical similarity of the signifier and the signified. This

4. A cognitive operation that allows one to define an object through its assignment to a more general category is called

5. Animals cannot be taught a complex language, since they lack:

6. L.S. Vygotsky emphasized that:

7. The involuntary connection of the phonemes of a word with the sound attribute of the object (phenomenon) that it denotes is called __ or a special term:

8. Connotative meaning (affective) is:

9. According to Piaget and a number of other scientists, animals can be taught a complex language:

10. J. Miller in the monograph “The Magic Number Seven Plus or Minus Two” (1964) included in the process of recoding information when memorizing the operation:

11. Specific national language:

12. Speech act:

13. The fact that meaning does not belong to the object, but to activity as a realized relationship to the object, emphasizes

14. An important assumption for psychosemantics is the presence

15. The way the child built a class of objects was called by J. Bruner

16. Situationally determined utterances of varying length refer to:

17. Insert the missing word in the formulation of the most important psycho- and neurolinguistic universal: The speed and sequence of development of semantic relations expressed by means of language is ____________, regardless of the specifics of the language - that is, the formal ways of expressing these semantic relations accepted in a given language:

18. Age is considered critical for the ability to master one’s native language.

19. The simplest unit of speech according to V.D. Arakin is:

20. Mowgli children can learn to live among people if they were outside the social environment:

21. Founder of semiotics:

22. E. Titchener is the author of:

20. The concept of a universal subject code as a neurophysiological substrate was developed by:

21. Psychosemiotics is the field...

22. Determine the correct interpretation:

23. The terms: “semantic component”, “differential semantic element (feature)”, “semantic multiplier”, “semantic marker”, “noema”, “seme” - are the designation __________________

24. The thesis “In order to perceive (understand) a statement, it is necessary to build its syntactic model, fully or at least partially corresponding to the model that is used in the process of generating speech” put forward by:

25. “The connection between a word and its meaning is formed in the same way as the connection between a stick and a banana” - true in relation to:

26. Who is the author of the statement: “A thought is not expressed, but is accomplished in the word”?

27. The first cases of using the term “psychosemantics” were also encountered:

28. The first cases of using the term “psychosemantics” were also encountered:

29. L.V. Shcherba understood speech activity as:

30. L.S. Vygotsky emphasized:

Thanks to signs, a new form of mastering an object arises - indirect, associated with elements of the future, i.e., with the preliminary organization of behavior.

31. This term was first used in 1928. Askoldov-Alekseev as “a mental formation that replaces in the process of thought an indefinite set of objects, actions, mental functions of the same kind.” Likhachev D.S. gave the following definition of this category of cognitive linguistics: a generalized mental unit that reflects and interprets the phenomena of reality depending on personal experience, does not arise from the meanings of words, but is the result of an acquired meaning with personal
35. A.A.Leontiev identifies the following forms of existence of values:

36. Transformational grammar, in addition to the syntactic component (a way of describing the structure of the components of a sentence), includes:
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