Aimbot (global):
- Turn on
- Ignore target if local player is blinded
- Ignore target for smoke
Aimbot (unique for each weapon):
- Radius
- Speed
- Delay before firing
- Delay after killing
- Multi-selection of bones (head, neck, torso, legs, arms)
The priority of the selected bone is calculated from the distance of the sight to it
- Recoil control (optional selection of the bullet with which control will begin)
Visuals (player):
- 2D boxes
- Skeletons
- Health
- Names
- Weapon in hand
Visuals (world):
- Weapons on the ground
- Bomb on the ground
Visuals (other):
- List of players who are watching you
- Turn on
- Radar size
- Radar angle
- Radar dot size
- System for saving settings (you can have several configs)
- Customize colors
- Deathmatch Mode (includes aimbot, visuals and radar for teammates)
30.11.2023 21:22:56
всё отлично , быстро - удобно , тех поддержка быстро помогла
06.10.2023 22:49:55