By purchasing our product, you will receive a unique coupon for a 100 discount on access for one day to our neural network for creating text and images on the website Our chatbot runs on GPT 4 – 8k, GPT 3.5 Turbo 4k, GPT 3.5 Turbo – 16k, and the image generator runs on DALL·E 2 from Open AI.
About our tariff and AI-Writer capabilities:
- Our tariff provides access to a chatbot generator of pictures and texts for 1 day 1.5 coins.
- In the GPT 3.5 Turbo – 4k model, you can get up to 300 articles of 2500 characters (750,000 characters of text) or 1 dialogue of up to 4000 characters for a cost of 0.002 coins per 1 thousand characters.
- In the GPT 3.5 Turbo – 16k model, you can get up to 150 articles of 2500 characters (375,000 characters of text) or 1 dialogue of up to 16,000 characters for a cost of 0.004 coins per 1 thousand characters.
- In the GPT 4 – 8k model you can get up to 10 articles of 2500 characters (25000 characters of text) or 1 dialogue of up to 8000 characters for a cost of 0.06 coins per 1 thousand characters.
- Using the DALL·E image model, you can generate up to 75 images of 1024x1024 size.
- Our generator neural network is the newest, smartest, most powerful and fast, and is capable of fulfilling your order in just a few minutes.
- The resulting content can be used for commercial purposes to sell and earn money.
- With our tariff you can save up to 99.6 off the regular price on copywriting exchanges.
A balance of 1.5 coins can be used to generate both text and pictures in any combination and combination that is convenient for you. For example, you can spend 1 coins on generating text and 0.5 coins on generating images, or vice versa.
Our neural network provides many options for writing text:
1. Chatbot for communicating with users.
2. Searching for answers to various questions.
3. Creation of texts on various topics, including news, articles, stories, etc.
4. Help with learning by providing information and explaining difficult concepts.
5. Assistance with work, for example, for compiling reports and planning tasks.
6. Travel assistance, providing information about places, attractions, transport, etc.
7. Health assistance, such as providing information on proper nutrition and exercise.
8. Creation of an online store where users can order products and services.
9. Help in communicating in different languages.
10. Analyze large amounts of data to look for trends and patterns.
With our neural network, you can achieve great results in automating work and save a lot of time and resources.