🎮 After payment, you will be redirected to a page with a unique code (16 characters), it must be sent to the seller to receive the game.
You are purchasing BloodRayne: ReVamped for the Xbox One | Series S|X directly to your xbox account, this is not a key!
The game is tied to your xbox profile and will only be available to you! You can download it, delete it at any time, run it in any region, no restrictions on use!
Important: the purchase of the game takes place in manual mode, 5 minutes to couple of hours delay is possible
At the dawn of World War II, Rayne has been recruited as an agent for The Brimstone Society – a top secret fraternity that hunts down and destroys supernatural threats to humanity. Rayne embarks on two missions, five years apart, which turn out to be connected by one sinister man who has been searching the world for powerful occult relics to bring about a new age of domination for the Third Reich.
In this frenetic and bloody third-person shooter that unleashed the iconic red-headed femme fatale on the world, the dhampir Rayne battles horrific creatures and hordes of soldiers with an array of vampric abilities and powerful weapons. Acrobatically slash and shoot your way through the swamps of Louisiana, the cavernous depths of a mining operation in Argentina, and a ruinous German castle. Experience the origins of Rayne through her first missions for the Brimstone Society in this improved version of the horror-action classic.
• The original BloodRayne returns to consoles with upgraded graphics and cinematics.
• Get a clear view of every visceral detail of your slaughter in high definition.
• Soak in the atmosphere with improved reflections, water, fog, and shadow effects.
🔎 DID NOT FIND the game or add-on you need on the site?
- Message me, and I will purchase any game/dlc for xbox one | xbox series for you from the microsoft store! We offer options with a direct purchase to an account as well as keys.
- Always in touch via telegram or chat with the seller, within 10 minutes I will add the game/dlc you need to the marketplace
💬 If you encounter any problems when receiving the game, write to the chat with the seller or telegram (if you wrote at night, I will answer in the morning).Please note:
-All products in our store are purchased legally, when you use it, you get the same version of the game/dlc as in the xbox store on the console
-Refunds are not made for reasons: "I didn´t like the game", "Changed my mind", "I didn´t read the description", etc.All my products can be found at the link -
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