By purchasing this product you get the game Choo-Choo Charles as a gift for the Russian STEAM account.
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Gift transfer is done manually. Working hours from 11 to 23 Moscow time. If there is free time, we can give a gift at a later time. We recommend that you immediately send a link to quickly add as a friend so that we can immediately add you and transfer a gift if, for example, you are in a different time zone.
Attention, activation is possible only on a Russian account. Before paying, you need to check if your region is correct. You can do this at (log in to your account). Make sure that in the "Country" field you have "Russia" written.
You cannot save to inventory or transfer the game. If you want to buy the game as a gift - provide a link to the recipient´s profile.
Charles is a bloodthirsty train, he must be destroyed.
Travel across a huge island in an old but reliable train.
Confusing paths can easily confuse you, so plan each outing carefully. Try not to walk long distances and quickly switch the arrow: Charles can be waiting for you behind the nearest tree.
Upgrade the train to your taste.
Run around the neighborhood or complete tasks to get "junk": with it you will turn your train into a mobile death machine.
Don´t hesitate to get local help.
Help the locals in exchange for powerful weapons and other items needed to defeat Charles.
Deal with Charles once and for all.
Complete all story missions and call Charles to the deathmatch. If you have gained enough power, strength and ingenuity, then you may become a worthy opponent of Charles.