✅The product can be paid for using the Fast Payment System (FPS) WITHOUT COMMISSION, for this, select LAVA - FPS when paying. Payment by SBP is safe.✅
🔴Best price guarantee - find a cheaper price on the site, write to the online chat and the manager will send you a personal promo code
🔴The store is open 24/7🔴
🔴Instant delivery of keys immediately after payment to the email address you provide when purchasing🔴
🔴This product may contain several activation codes🔴
🔥Immediately after purchase you will receive a license key to top up your Fifa 23 account with 12,000 Points 🔥
✅Platform: XBOX only ✅
✅Activation: Activation here
https://account.microsoft.com/billing/redeem?refd=support.microsoft.com or on the console ✅
✅Publisher: EA✅
✅Activation region: Global (Difficulties may arise when activating in the Russian Federation or Belarus!!!!!!!) Then you need to change the region. The region changes through your personal account in a minute!!!. If you have any difficulties, write and I’ll help✅
🔥🔥🔥Leave a review, write in a personal message and receive a promotional code for a discount or gift 🔥🔥🔥
Why exactly the SOFT WHOLESALE store?
✅Only license keys with a lifetime warranty.✅
✅The best loyalty program. The maximum discount under the bonus program is 10.✅
✅More than 20 available payment methods.✅
✅Impeccable reputation. Only positive reviews✅
✅Best price guarantee. If you want a discount, write to the chat✅
*The quantity of goods participating in the promotion is limited. This is not a public offer. The maximum promotion period for each position does not exceed 48 hours
^This promotion and product description are our own development of the marketing department of the Soft Wholesale store. Copying or use of this description of a product (promotion) on this and other trading platforms without the permission of the copyright holder is PROHIBITED.