When paying with a bank card, choose to pay through FREEKASSA. Thus, there are no commissions when paying.Immediately after payment you will receive a key to activate the skin "A GOAT" OUTFITSkins are one of the best aspects of Fortnite because they add a lot of variety as well as self-expression to this battle royale experience, and A GOAT" OUTFIT. is definitely no exception. Buy this A GOAT" OUTFIT add-on. - don´t miss a great chance to enjoy the game to the fullest!/attentiondeliveryattentionHow to activate A GOAT" OUTFIT skin on PC?
If you want to get the Fortnite skin, just follow the instructions given below:
1. Activate the key using the link:
2. Log in to access your account or create a new one.
3. Enter the key received after payment in the appropriate field.
4. Make sure that when filling out your data is correct and confirm by clicking "Activate".
5. Congratulations! You will be notified that a Fortnite bundle has been added to your account./delivery/attention