A file downloader from the server, as well as a key for launching auto-selection and saving the best files with settings during optimization of the advisor (of those that have this functionality built-in). This block is built into almost all of our robots, including free ones.
The key is activated when the application is launched on a parallel chart; removing the utility from the chart does not immediately deactivate the key, but the key will be deactivated within 24 hours. Therefore, for continuous activity of the auto.selection block, during the process of optimizing the advisor, the utility must be launched on a parallel chart.
If optimizing an advisor yourself is too troublesome for you, then you can delegate this process to us. To do this, you need to run the utility on the chart, with a preliminary selection of the advisor to be used in the utility options, and at the time of launch on the chart, the utility will download files with settings from our server. The reboot occurs every hour, as soon as I carry out the next optimization of the advisor and upload the files to my server, the utility will immediately detect them and update the files with settings.
Optionally, you can configure the utility so that profitable settings are not updated. Until a drawdown of a certain percentage is recorded on the account, in equity or balance, the settings are not updated. As soon as an unpleasant moment happens, the robot waits for all positions to be closed and updates the settings. When updating the settings, the drawdown data is also updated. If at the time of updating the files on the server are old, such files are not accepted and the robot will pause trading until new files are downloaded.
As you understand, this is a continuous process, with the constant use of human labor. Therefore, the license cannot be unlimited for such a small fee, and for a large one it will become unprofitable. Therefore, the license is provided for a maximum period of 1 year with subsequent renewal; dividing the cost of the application into 12 months, you will receive the exact amount of 1 month of service. The application is tied to the name of the trader, which means that you can trade on any account registered in the same name.
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