By purchasing this product you get the game Marvel´s Spider-Man: Miles Morales as a gift for the Russian STEAM account.
Release November 18, 2022
Gift transfer is done manually. Working hours from 11 to 23 Moscow time. If there is free time, we can give a gift at a later time. We recommend that you immediately send a link to quickly add as a friend so that we can immediately add you and transfer a gift if, for example, you are in a different time zone.
Attention, activation is possible only on a Russian account. Before paying, you need to check if your region is correct. You can do this at (log in to your account). Make sure that in the "Country" field you have "Russia" written.
You cannot save to inventory or transfer the game. If you want to buy the game as a gift - provide a link to the recipient´s profile.
After the events of MARVEL Spider-Man. Remastered, young Miles Morales struggles to adjust to his new home and continues his mentor Peter Parker´s legacy as the new Spider-Man. But when a terrible threat looms over Miles´ home, the young hero realizes that with great power comes great responsibility. In order to save Marvel´s New York City, Miles will have to put on a costume and become Spider-Man.
The Rise of Miles Morales
Miles Morales discovers incredible powers in himself that his mentor Peter Parker did not possess. Master the unique gift of creating poisonous bioexplosions, as well as the ability to camouflage, web acrobatics, gadgets and special skills.
Power War
War is raging in Marvel´s New York City as a treacherous energy corporation and a high-tech army of criminals are vying for control of the city. Miles´ new home has become the scene of hostilities, and he will have to learn what the price of heroism is and what has to be sacrificed for the greater good.
welcome home
You are waiting for the beautiful snow-covered streets of an amazing city that Miles is trying to get used to. When crime fighting and Miles´ private life become inseparable, he realizes who his friends are and understands what home is.