By purchasing this product you get the Pentiment game as a gift for the Russian STEAM account.
Gift transfer is done manually. Working hours from 11 to 23 Moscow time. If there is free time, we can give a gift at a later time. We recommend that you immediately send a link to quickly add as a friend so that we can immediately add you and transfer a gift if, for example, you are in a different time zone.
Attention, activation is possible only on a Russian account. Before paying, you need to check if your region is correct. You can do this at (log in to your account). Make sure that in the "Country" field you have "Russia" written.
You cannot save to inventory or transfer the game. If you want to buy the game as a gift - provide a link to the recipient´s profile.
Obsidian´s new game is a historical role-playing detective game that emphasizes character development and the player´s decisions have a strong influence on the course of the story. The game is made in the author´s graphic style. The events unfold in Germany at the beginning of the 16th century. The focus is on a talented illustrator who becomes embroiled in the events of a series of murders taking place in the Abbey of Kierzau over the course of 25 years. Relying solely on his mind and willpower, the hero does everything possible to bring the killers to clean water, but each decision leads to far-reaching consequences and inevitably brings him closer to the heart of the conspiracy.