OK-1, OK-3, OK-4, OK-5, GPC-4 briefing on familiarization with the requirements of labor protection, safety, fire safety, anti-terrorism safety, internal labor regulations
OK-1, OK-3, OK-4, OK-5, OK-6, GPC-4 Select a healthcare organization to describe; Make a general description of the organization: name and legal form; type of ownership; legal and actual addresses, features of territorial location; Analyze and describe the organizational structure of the organization under study: basic type of OSU; features of the OSU; OSU organigram; the main types of organizational powers of management (linear, functional, staff, representative, conciliatory, etc.); level of centralization (decentralization) of management; main goals and functions of units; main responsibilities of department heads;
OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, GPC-1, GPC7, PC-2, PC-5 Assess the professional competencies of managers of the organization under study and heads of departments; assess the degree of compliance of competencies with the goals, objectives and characteristics of the work of the organization under study (based on open data from the Internet)
OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, GPC-1, GPC7, PC-2, PC-5 Analyze and describe the health care planning system: main planning tasks; types of organizational plans and their purpose; the nature of the execution and control of action plans.
OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, GPC-1, GPC7, PC-2, PC-5 organizations; main types of incentives
OK-3, OK-5, OK-6, GPC-1, GPC7, PC-2, PC-5 ceremonies, legends, etc.) and functions (protective, integrating, regulating, orienting, etc.) of organizational culture
OK-3, OK-4, OK-5, OK-6, GPC-1, GPC4, GPC-7 PC-5 registration of the report of educational practice; preparation for the defense of a report on educational practice