🔷 By buying this product you get:
✔️ Steam account with Dying Light 2 for playing inside cloud services.
✔️ The account is given only to activate the game, so it is forbidden to change the data, the account itself is shared and at the same time all the saves will be YOURS, they will be stored on your cloud service account.🔷 Suitable only for cloud services:
✔️GFN (Geforce Now);
✔my.Games Cloud;
✔cloudplay.deliveryattention🔷 You will also get:
✔️ Simple instructions for activating the game (it will take no more than 5 minutes).
✔️ Simple instructions on how to make sure that your saves do not disappear.
✔️ ́ You are only required to have your own account on the GF (GeForce NOW) gaming service, Play Key, My.Games Cloud or Loudplay./delivery/attention
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