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Answers to the Synergy test "Psychology of power" all tests with highlighted answers in the file. Passed 100 points. After payment you will be able to download a file with all the answers.
1. To change and adjust the behavior of the object of power in the necessary for the subject, it is directed to have at its disposal certain resources, called ... powers, - the means by which the subject can influence the object
2. In the psychophysiological theory of power, V.M. Kaitukov as the basic category is "..."
3. The imposition of views, political attitudes, policies by one subject of power on another is ...
4. The conceptual general scientific pentabasis (according to V.A. Ganzen) consists of four adjacent concepts "space", "time", "energy", "information" and one unifying concept - "..."
5. The main sources of power, which J. Lasswell called "core values", include power (as the basis for another, even greater power), respect, moral duty, well-being, wealth, skill and enlightenment
6. According to the views of ..... “people should either be caressed or destroyed, because a person can avenge a small evil, but cannot avenge a big one; from which it follows that the inflicted person) ´grievance must be calculated so as not to be afraid of revenge "
7. It is not true that the coefficient for measuring the level of Machiavellianism developed by American psychologists is based on such an indicator as ...
8. According to the classification of sources of power by X. Hekhauzen. in the case of ... the subject of power has the right to control the observance of certain rules of conduct and, if necessary, insist on them
9. According to the classification of sources of power by X. Heckhausen, strength ... depends on the amount of special knowledge, skills, and abilities attributed to the subject of power, related to the sphere of the behavior in question
10. Power ... It is practically not used in politics, although the use of this source of power is one of the most effective in managing human behavior
11. An example of power, social in form and having a direct mechanism, is ...
12. ... developed a hypothesis according to which some people have an unusually strong need for power and (or) other personal values ​​as a means of compensating for unmet basic needs
13. According to the definition of F. Nietzsche, there are two types of pleasure - from ...
14. ... is the power of those who know over those who do not know
15. According to the concept, power is a category of interpersonal relations
16. According to .... the basic principle of the political system is the implementation of direct democracy through a republican state, governed by a system of laws adopted by the assembly of all citizens
17. According to the “balance of society” model .... depending on economic, social, national, psychological factors, political elites that come to manage the political institutions of society reveal two types of retention of power and political and legal regulation of public life: the “lions” elite and the fox elite
18. Speaking of sanctions, it can be argued that they ...
19. ... developed the hypothesis that some people have an unusually strong need for power and (or) other personal values ​​as a means of compensating for unmet basic needs
20. An example of power, psychological in form and having an indirect mechanism, is ...
21. ... proposed the theory of force to justify the origin of power
22. According to F. Nietzsche, being passive means ...
23. Plutocracy is power...
24. It is not true that the system of principles for the effectiveness of power includes ...
25. validity and adequacy
26. ... writes that sovereigns, when it comes to the loyalty and unity of their subjects, should not be afraid to be known as cruel, strong-willed, not afraid to use all possible means to achieve their goals
27. ... draws the inevitability of state power from the standpoint of the theory of natural law and the "social contract"
28. V. Pareto pr
31. According to the theory of power V.M. Kaitukov, inspired-introspective dictate...
32. Russian psychologist, professor A.I. Yuriev considers power in the triangle of relations "... - politics - power"
33. According to ... the state arose on the basis of a social contract from a natural pre-state existence, when people lived disunitedly and were in a state of "war of all against all"
34. The principles of power correlate with the elements of the general scientific pentabasis, in particular, the principles of effectiveness and adequacy correspond to the concept ...
35. ... noted that for structuring and organizing large amounts of information, you can use the idea of ​​bases
36. According to the behaviorist direction, within the framework of the sociological approach adopted in political science, power ...
37. The power of the organized over the unorganized is...
38. According to the theory of power V.M. Kaitukov, forced-force dictate is typical for ...
39. Fascism in Germany, China by Mao Zedong, France during the Revolution, USSR under Stalin
40. Pharaonic Egypt
41. ... the approach in political science explores power from the point of view of its perception by a person
42. anthropological
43. ... the approach in political science considers power as a natural state in society, predetermined by nature itself
44. Raytocracy is power...
45. ... believed that by striving for perfection, superiority and social power, the subject is trying to compensate for the lack of power due to his constitution, perceived as a lack of his abilities and experienced as an inferiority complex
46. ​​F. Nietzsche calls a certain number of forces associated with the general process of nutrition ...
47. According to E. Canetti, the core of power lies ...
48. According to the interpretation of V.M. Kaitukova, a group, a conglomerate of individuals united on the basis of fulfillment, solving tasks that are vital for both the individual and the group as a whole, is ...
49. According to the interpretation of V.M. Kaitukova, a group, a conglomerate of individuals united on the basis of fulfillment, solving tasks that are vital for both the individual and the group as a whole, is ...
50. According to the theory of power V.M. Kaitukov, trivial force dictate...
51. According to its ... aspect revealed by the structural analysis of power, power means the ability to exercise freedom of action in accordance with one’s goals and one’s will, which creates a certain system of infringements in relation to objects of power
52. According to ... the direction within the framework of the sociological approach adopted in political science, power is interpreted as achieving certain goals and obtaining the intended results
53. According to ... the approach in political science, power comes down to the political influence of one social group on another
54. B. Russell proposes to classify people according to the criterion of their aspirations to ...
55. The separation of the legislative, executive and federal powers in the state carried out ...
56. ... key areas of modern Western political philosophy consider and analyze the category of power
57. ... developed a hypothesis according to which some people have an unusually strong need for power and / or other personal values ​​as a means of compensating for unmet basic needs
58. According to V.V. Mshvenieradze, there is power ...
59. E. Canetti draws a parallel with the actions of ...
60. According to the structuralist direction, within the framework of the sociological approach adopted in political science, power ...
61. According to F. Nietzsche, there are two types of pleasure - from ...
62. The term "Machiavellianism" denotes a way of political behavior in which ...
63. According to Friedrich Nietzsche, the will to power is defined as...
64. An example of power, psychological in form and having an indirect mechanism, is ...
65. Power motive...
66. Author of the book "Power: Essays on th
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