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6. Polarography against the background of dimethylformamide of standard solutions of diallylaminoethyl methacrylate (DAMA) and diallylaminoethyl acrylate (DAA) with a concentration of 0.40 mg / ml each obtained a diffusion current Id1 of 6.90 and 4.32 mкA, respectively. Then, equal volumes of phenol solution were added to the polarographic cells and the strength of the diffusion current Id2 was measured to obtain 4.08 mкA for DAMA and 4.34 mкA for AAD. Phenol is non-electrically active under measurement conditions.
A weighed portion of a test sample weighing m g was dissolved in 20.00 ml of a mixture of dimethylformamide with water, placed in a cell, and Id1 was measured. Added 20.00 ml of phenol solution and measured Id2
Calculate the mass fraction (%) of DAMA and DAA in the test samples:
Option m, g Id1, mкА Id2, mкА
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