Having avenged the gods of Olympus, Kratos lives in the realm of Scandinavian deities and monsters. In this harsh, merciless world, he must not only fight for survival on his own ... but also teach this to his son.
Second chance
Kratos is a father again. As a mentor and protector of a son who seeks to earn his father´s respect, Kratos has an unexpected opportunity to curb his own anger, which has long determined his actions.
Immerse yourself in the gloomy world of formidable creatures
From the marble floors and ornate columns of Olympus to the wild forests, mountains and caves of Norse mythology long before the advent of the Vikings, you will find yourself in completely new places with your own pantheon of creatures, monsters and gods.
Participate in merciless battles
With a new camera behind the protagonist´s shoulder, players will be closer to the fight than ever, and the fights themselves will be a match for the Norse God of War™ creatures that Kratos will face: majestic, harsh and tireless. The new primary weapons and abilities keep true to the atmosphere of the God of War series, providing a new perspective on the violent conflicts inherent in the game genre.
29.07.2024 17:23:09
23.08.2022 12:29:38
все гуд)
29.06.2022 1:13:51
Активировал в Steam без проблем. Спасибо большое.
18.06.2022 13:38:59
Всё чётко!
07.06.2022 20:47:02
Ключ пришёл мгновенно, игра активировалась)
05.06.2022 1:56:17
Ключ пришел моментально, все отлично! :)
03.06.2022 9:39:57
Ключ пришел мгновенно. Активировался на русский аккаунт без проблем. Спасибо продавану.