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FERMERSTVO SNOVA V TRENDE! Postav´te noveyshiye tekhnologii i sovremennyye litsenzirovannyye mashiny na sluzhbu zemledeliyu! Puteshestvuyte po Yevrope, Azii i Amerike i ukhazhivayte za rasteniyami, kharakternymi dlya etikh regionov, bud´ to konoplya, kofe ili olivki. Issleduyte vse aspekty zemledeliya v trekh unikal´nykh igrovykh rezhimakh, podkhodyashchikh i opytnym igrokam v simulyatory, i novichkam. OSOBENNOSTI IGRY Vse v odnom — oprobuyte svoi sily v lyubom aspekte sovremennogo zemledeliya: zhivotnovodstve, plodovodstve, razvedenii oranzherey, obrabotke pochvy, vozobnovlyayemoy energetike i mnogom drugom. Litsenzirovannaya tekhnika — pol´zuytes´ mashinami ot liderov industrii: Zetor, Landini, McCormick, Gregoire, DAF i Mitsubishi, vossozdannyye v polnom sootvetstvii s originalami, vklyuchaya massu i mekhaniku raboty. Pogruzites´ vmeste s nimi v atmosferu upravleniya sovremennoy fermoy! Global´nyy masshtab — puteshestvuyte po fermam v Italii, Kolumbii, Yaponii i amerikanskom shtate Montana. Vyrashchivayte unikal´nyye dlya etikh regionov rasteniya i ispol´zuyte original´nuyu spetsializirovannuyu tekhniku — risoposadochnuyu mashinu, konopleuborochnyy kombayn i drugiye. Zemledeliye dlya vsekh — tri igrovykh rezhima dlya razlichnykh stiley igry. Naslazhdaytes´ svoyey sobstvennoy fermoy bez ogranicheniy, obuchaytes´ azam sel´skogo khozyaystva ili ispytyvayte sobstvennyye navyki zemledel´tsa! Prekrasnyye peyzazhi — nasladites´ potryasayushchey prirodoy chetyrekh kontinentov v potryasayushche realistichnoy grafike.
1445 / 5000
Результаты перевода

Put the latest technology and modern licensed machines at the service of agriculture! Travel across Europe, Asia and America and care for the plants native to these regions, be it hemp, coffee or olives. Explore all aspects of farming in three unique game modes, suitable for both experienced simulation players and beginners alike.


All in one - try your hand at every aspect of modern farming: livestock, fruit growing, greenhouse farming, tillage, renewable energy and more.

Licensed Technology - Use machines from industry leaders: Zetor, Landini, McCormick, Gregoire, DAF and Mitsubishi, recreated in full accordance with the originals, including weight and mechanics. Immerse yourself with them in the atmosphere of modern farm management!

Global Scale - Travel to farms in Italy, Colombia, Japan and the US state of Montana. Grow plants unique to these regions and use the original specialized equipment - rice planter, hemp harvester and others.

Farming for All - Three game modes for different play styles. Enjoy your own farm without limits, learn the basics of farming or test your own farming skills!

Wonderful Landscapes - Enjoy the stunning nature of four continents in stunningly realistic graphics.
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