FEFU Normative-legal activity of the teacher Buskova S N
Computer Exam - Normative-legal activity of the teacher - Zacteno
1. Kakie osnovnye mejdunarodnye akty v oblasti obrazovania izvestny vam? Sootnesite osnovnye polojenia etih aktov s rossijskimi dokumentami — Konstituziej RF, sistemnymi obrazovatel_nymi zakonami.
2. Proanalizirujte osnovnye lokal_nye normativno-pravovye akty skoly, ili doskol_noj obrazovatel_noj organizazii (Ustav, Pravila vnutrennego rasporadka i dr.) na predmet vyavlenia v nih osnovnyh prav i obazannostej pedagogiceskih rabotnikov, rabotausih v etom obrazovatel_nom ucrejdenii. Popytajtes_ ih sistematizirovat_ s tocki zrenia prinadlejnosti ih k razlicnym gruppam: obrazovatel_nym (pedagogiceskim), licnym (grajdanskim), ekonomiceskim, v tom cisle trudovym, informazionnym.
You get answers to questions for passing the Computer Exam in WEBDidactor (Didactor).
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Be sure to do a REWRITE (selection of synonyms) for the answers! If you pass without a rewrite, claims on the result are not considered!
Sites of unicalizers are searched for by the queries "text synonym", "text unicalizer".
First on the search now
https://rustxt.ru/synonymizer ,
Check the text so that there are no substitutions that spoil the meaning.