FEFU HR records management Saharova Larisa Anatol_evna
Computer Exam - HR records management - Otlicno
1. Dokumentirovannaa prozedura priema na rabotu. Dokumenty, pred_avlaemye pri zaklucenii trudovogo dogovora.
2. Licnaa kartocka rabotnika. Ponatie «licnaa kartocka». Forma licnoj kartocki. Poradok zapolnenia licnoj kartocki. Licnoe delo rabotnika. Forma Licnogo dela. (Formy po OKUD). Poradok vedenia licnoj kartocki i licnogo dela.
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Be sure to do a REWRITE (selection of synonyms) for the answers! If you pass without a rewrite, claims on the result are not considered!
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First on the search now
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Check the text so that there are no substitutions that spoil the meaning.