Content: ПрактикаМнУЧР.zip (305.25 KB)
Uploaded: 20.03.2021

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Practice Management Synergy Mn_CHR (Human Resource Management)
Ready set. Result 100 points (Excellent)

Direction of training: Management
Profile: Human Resource Management

After purchase, you receive a complete set of documents for practice, which includes:
1. Individual plan;
2. Individual task;
3. Diary;
4. Brief report on practice.

Practice in obtaining primary professional skills is an important stage of training, during the passage of which you will be able to apply in practice the previously obtained theoretical knowledge.

Practice duration is: 6 weeks

During the internship you:
consolidate the theoretical knowledge and skills gained in the learning process;
gain analytical skills in organizations;
gaining practical experience of working in a team;
acquiring the initial skills of studying and analyzing local regulations governing the activities of the organization
See the picture for the content of the individual practice assignment, correlated with the planned learning outcomes during the internship.

* The obtained result of the finished work for sale is not a finished scientific work, but it can serve as the main source for writing it.
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