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Administrative law Synergy Test (Collection of answers) Result 80/100 points (Good)

1. The method of committing an administrative offense reflects it ...

2. The civil service is a complex administrative and legal institution, which consists of the norms of administrative and other branches of law governing administrative and official legal relations ”, and includes branches of ... law

3. The set of administrative and legal means and methods of regulation, securing a certain range of rights and obligations of subjects, prohibitions and permissions for them, is ...

4. Based on the results of the consideration of a case on an administrative offense, a decision on ...

5. Administrative delinquency occurs ...

6. The activities of educational institutions are regulated by ...

7. The subject of administrative law is public relations, regulated by the rules of law and implemented ...

8. Preventive detention pursues such goals as ...

9. Established by the norms of administrative law, the possibility of a person exercising his rights and fulfilling duties in the field of public administration is an administrative ...

10. The characteristic features that distinguish the administrative-legal method of regulation from the civil-legal method include ...

11. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has the authority to ...

12. The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to publish ...

13. Administrative and legal relations by the legal nature of the interaction of their participants are divided into ...

14. The norms of administrative law in their content can be ...

15. One of the types of administrative contracts is ...

16. A diploma on conferring a bachelor´s degree in a multi-level structure of training specialists in higher education means obtaining:

17. The legal act of management is ...

18. Compliance of activities with the interests of society, the state, the general availability of public service are characteristic features for ...

19. The elements of social management include such a type of management as management ...

20. Social governance is governance ...

21. The sphere of social development and culture includes management ...

22. Ordering the interaction of a certain set of elements or constituent parts of mechanical systems, nature, society and man himself is ...

23. The concept of "public administration" includes management ...

24. Guardianship deals with the placement of needy young children under the age of ...

25. The interaction of the judiciary with the executive is that ...

26. The interaction of the judiciary with the executive is that ...

27. The state civil service in accordance with the federal structure of the Russian Federation is subdivided into ...

28. The most important feature of public administration, which expresses the nature of the relationship between the legislative and executive authorities, is ...

29. The measures of administrative restraint include ...

30. It is not true that ... refers to higher educational institutions

31. The fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation are established ...

32. It is not true that a person can be recognized as a forced migrant if he ...

33. The decision to provide a citizen with living space is ... an act

34. By the nature of their activities, there are such state (municipal) institutions as ...

35. Sectoral management is carried out ...

36. Forms and methods of public administration are implemented by adopting ...

37. Legal acts extending their effect to certain social relations, regardless of the field or industry in which they arise, refer to ... legal acts

38. A civil servant is ...

39. The administrative powers of government bodies are implemented by ...

40. The concepts of "public administration" and "executive power" ...

41. In a state of emergency in accordance with Art. 56 The Constitution of
42. The main feature of a regulatory legal act of an executive authority is ...

43. The President of the Russian Federation has the right ...

44. The ability to bear administrative responsibility for offenses committed in the field of public administration established by the norms of administrative law is administrative ...

45. Social management is management ...

46. ​​The sole executive body, acting within a certain administrative-territorial unit, which has become the legal successor of the previously existing collegial body - the executive committee - is ...

47. In Russia, the system of executive authorities is headed by ...

48. In Russia, the system of federal executive bodies is headed by ... RF

49. According to their legal properties, such legal acts of management are distinguished as ...

50. Administrative law in Russia as an independent industry was formed as a result of ...

51. It is not true that such kind of management is distinguished as ...

52. The structure of federal executive bodies in the Russian Federation is approved by ...

53. The legal relationship that develops during intersectoral management relates to ...

54. The presence of sufficient competence of the author of a management decision meets one of the requirements for management acts, such as ...

55. Proceedings in the case of an administrative offense in the case when the offense was committed by a person in a state of extreme necessity or necessary defense, ...

56. The right to appoint and recall the diplomatic representatives of the Russian Federation in foreign states has ...

57. Recognition in the established manner of a person as a refugee is carried out in relation to ...

58. The decision to impose a state of emergency or martial law in the Russian Federation is made ...

59. A characteristic feature that distinguishes the administrative-legal method of regulation from the civil-legal method is ...

60. The feature that distinguishes the administrative-legal method of regulation from the civil-law method is ...

61. The characteristic features that distinguish the administrative-legal method of regulation from the civil-legal one should include ...

62. The statement that disciplinary responsibility ... is regulated by the norms of administrative law is incorrect

63. In addition to the chairman and his deputies, the Government of Russia includes ...

64. The concept of "..." is characterized by the following three main features: the management apparatus, the management and administrative activities performed by it, as well as the executive and administrative powers used

65. It is not true that ... refers to educational institutions of general and secondary vocational education

66. The federal executive body exercising oversight functions is ...

67. The goal-setting, regulating influence of people on social and collective life activities, carried out both directly and through specially created structures, is ...

68. Development and enforcement of the federal budget, ensuring the implementation of financial and monetary policy in the Russian Federation is the competence ...
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