Content: анализ функционирования системы защиты населения и территорий от чрез-вычайных ситуаций природного и (4.71 MB)
Uploaded: 09.01.2020

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Table of contents
1.2 Legal regulation in the field of protection of population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies...
1.3 Main activities of the Neryungri Rayon Administration in the field of protection of population from natural and man-made disasters....
2.1 Brief description of the system of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-caused character functioning on the territory of the municipal education "Neryungri district"....
2.3 Identification of problems in the field of protection of the population and the territory of the Neryungri district from natural and man-made disasters
Annex A (mandatory).

Annex B (reference). Letter from the Head of Neryungrinskiy Rayon Administration "On Allocation of Tanker Trucks"....


For full and stable development of civilization, one of the necessary conditions is the security of its population and the protection of its territories. Nevertheless, our environment with the development of civilization does not become safer and new threats and dangers are formed along with existing ones. Social contradictions in society and acts of terrorism are increasing. Infectious diseases are on the rise and vulnerability to the impacts of the elements is increasing. Material damage and losses among the population are increasing, the ecology and conditions for life and activity of people are worsening.
Among the most important constitutional human rights are the right to life and health, and the right to be informed of the risk to which they may be exposed while in a given territory and of the actions that ensure their security. This right belongs to him from birth and is classified by the Constitution of the Russian Federation as inalienable, is subject to protection by the state in an unqualified manner, and is enshrined in many international legal documents of a global and national character [1].
The protection of its territories and of the population living on them and from emergency situations of technogenic and natural origin is one of the most important national tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of security and ensuring sustainable development of the country. The trend of growth in the number and scale of consequences of emergency situations makes it necessary to look for new and improve the already existing methods of solving problem issues in the field of protection from emergency situations of the population and territories, to anticipate future risks, threats and dangers, to develop methods of their forecast and prevention.
Without solving the problems on prevention of emergency situations of different nature and elimination of negative consequences from their striking negative factors it is almost impossible to ensure the constitutional freedoms and rights of the citizen of Russia, to realize the direction of its sustainable development and on this basis to achieve important national goals: progress in socio-economic and scientific-technical fields; improvement of the quality of life of people; preservation and growth of the state property and national values; protection of the interests of the state. All the above and determines the relevance of the topic of this study.
The purpose of research - the analysis of a condition of system of protection of the population and territories of Neryungri area from emergency situations of natural and technogenic character, directed on revealing of problem questions within the limits of functioning of system and development of the basic directions promoting its perfection.
In order to achieve the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- to highlight the theoretical and regulatory framework for the system of protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made disasters in the Russian Federation;
- describe the main activities of the Neryungri District Administration in the field of protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergency situations;
- to conduct an analysis to assess the state of the system of protection of the population and territories of the Neryungri District from natural and man-made emergency situations;
- identify problems in the functioning of the system for protection of the population and territories of the Neryungri district from natural and man-made emergencies;
- propose main directions for improving the system of protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies;
Object of the study - system of protection of population and territories from natural and man-caused emergencies on the municipal level.
The subject of the study is an analysis of the functioning of the system of pro
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