MOTHERGUNSHIP — eto gremuchaya smes´ dammaku s shuterom ot pervogo litsa! A takoy khitroy sistemy kastomizatsii oruzhiya ty ni v odnoy igre ne videl!
Prodemonstriruy inzhenernuyu mysl´ ariyskogo geniya, poprobuy dinamichnyye perestrelki s zapredel´nym kolichestvom vragov, srazhaysya s ogromnymi bossami, i bros´ vyzov Velichayshemu Zlu — tyazhelovooruzhennomu korablyu-matke.
MOTHERGUNSHIP is an explosive mix of Dammaku and first-person shooter! And you haven’t seen such a cunning weapon customization system in any game!
Demonstrate the engineering idea of an Aryan genius, try dynamic skirmishes with a prohibitive number of enemies, fight huge bosses, and challenge the Greatest Evil - a heavily armed womb ship.
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