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ATTENTION! This product is intended for use only in the following countries: Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. In other regions will not work.

Language: Russian / English
Windows / Steam

Another dawn - and there is another day ahead full of worries. You need to grow food, build buildings, do science and magic, take another step towards the prosperity of your civilization. And as soon as possible, because you are writing the history of your planet in a difficult time - after an inexplicable apocalypse and the most severe winter that humankind has ever experienced. However, the previous five were not easier.
You are not alone in trying to unravel the long-forgotten secrets of this world, go through the ancient legends and find the ruins, which have long become a myth. There are others who, like you, have to fight for survival, develop and even fight.
You will have a city, loyal people and a detachment of soldiers. And a little more knowledge and magic - just enough to save the little that you have. What awaits you? Where will the history whirlwind bring you, what will you learn and how will you dispose of this knowledge? Will your path to power be covered with roses or covered with blood?

Explore fantastic places
• Choose one of eight civilizations, each of which has its own history, development path and requirements for player behavior
• Fight for existence in a dark and cold era - the sunset era of Auriga, and maybe your entire civilization
• You will find an infinite number of unpredictable travels: worlds and quests are randomly generated
• You can decide for yourself what this world will be: determine its size, shape, topography and much more

Peer into the unknown
• Capture new settlements, rebuild and develop them, turning them into impregnable fortresses or wonderful cities
• Make alliances with powerful small factions, make them part of your civilization and use their knowledge and resources for your purposes
• Hire heroes, develop and equip them so that your troops and cities managed only the best of the best!
• Find the mysterious artifacts of the past and subdue the long-forgotten technology to lead your civilization to the heights of development

Learn the game far and wide
• Develop new, cutting-edge technology
• Collect Dust, luxury items and other strategic resources with which you can travel to the intergalactic market.
• Stay one step ahead of other civilizations through clever trade and diplomacy
• Independently choose the conditions of victory and easily make adjustments to your strategy

Destroy the fools who dare to challenge you
• Experience the new dynamic turn-based combat system with simultaneous moves
• Defeat your opponents by making optimal use of your units, their abilities and battlefield features
• You can easily escape from battle to control other aspects of your empire’s life.
• Create your own unique civilization and fight with the civilizations of friends
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