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Exercise 1
Question 1. Based on materials from which people made tools, the history of primitive society is divided into:
1. two centuries
2. Three centuries
3. Four centuries
Question 2. How many ages does the Stone Age share?
1. two
2. Three
3. four
Question 3. How many stages are there in the Paleolithic?
1. one
2. Two
3. Three
Question 4. How many stages of visual activity existed in the Paleolithic era?
1. three
2. four
3. five
Question 5. In what century did refractory clay appear?
1. in the ancient stone
2. in the medium-stone
3. in the newly built stone
Activity 2
Question 1. During what period of the primitive era did fortresses appear?
1. at the beginning of the era
2. in the middle of the era
3. at the end of the era
Question 2. What is meant by unsettled settlements?
1. Parking spaces
2. Selishte
3. All of the above
Question 3. What is meant by fortified settlements?
1. fortifications
2. Parking spaces
3. Selishche
Question 4. What material was used to build the Roman terramar?
1. clay
2. marl (shell rock)
3. stone
Question 5. In what place did the Romans build the terramars?
1. in a dry place
2. in the swamp
3. on the lake

Activity 3
Question 1. Who built the pyramids?
1. for the pharaohs and nobles
2. for the poor
3. All of the above
Question 2. From what material were the first pyramids constructed?
1. made of wood
2. made of stone
3. made of bricks
Question 3. At what time was the construction of the pyramids stopped?
1. by the 1st millennium BC
2. In the 2nd millennium BC.
3. In the 3rd millennium BC.

Question 4. At what time did Mesopotamia originate?
1. in the 2-1 thousand years BC.
2. in the 3-2 thousand years BC.
3. in 4-3 thousand BC.
Question 5. Which people own the oldest written language on Earth?
1. The Sumerians
2. The Babylonians
3. Assyrians
Activity 4
Question 1. According to the teachings of the Babylonian priests, people were made of:
1. water
2. clay
3. Air
Question 2. How were social groups formed in ancient Indian society?
1. By estate (varna)
2. on professional activity (caste)
3. All of the above
Question 3. At what time was Hinduism formed?
1. at the end of the 1st millennium BC.
2. Early in the 1st millennium BC.
3. in the middle of the 1st millennium BC.
Question 4. At what time did the civilization of Ancient China evolve?
1. in the 1st millennium BC.
2. In the 2nd millennium BC.
3. In the 3rd millennium BC.
Question 5. Who is considered the first philosopher of China?
1. Confucius
2. Meng Tzu
3. Lao Tzu
Evaluation - set-off

Activity 19
Question 1. What is the duration of the Soviet period in the history of Russia?
1. 50 years old
2. 65 years
3. 74 years
Question 2. When did Proletkult originate?
1. in June 1917
2. in September 1917
3. in October 1917
Question 3. What is the peak time for the influence of Proletcult?
1. in 1917
2. for the years 1918-1920.
3. for the years 1920-1922.
Question 4. When was the new spelling introduced?
1. in December 1917
2. in January 1918
3. in March 1920.
Question 5. In what year was the Federation of Soviet Writers created?
1. in 1920
2. in 1925
3. in 1930
Activity 20
Question 1. What was the main topic in art and literature?
1. Revolution
2. Socialist construction
3. All of the above
Question 2. When did the "thaw" begin in the cultural life of the country?
1. since the mid-1950s
2. In the late 1960s
3. in the early 70-ies
Question 3. How many layers of culture appeared in the 70´s?
1. one
2. Two
3. Three
Question 4. For what reason did Russia split?
1. Revolution
2. civil war
3. All of the above
Question 5. When did the third wave of emigration begin?
1. 60-70-ies
2. 70-80s
3. 80-90s
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