We represent the database of popular free bulletin boards in Russia with attendance.
Attention! The data on attendance were taken from open sources (statistical services) in March 2017. Attendance to date, subject to seasonality, may differ, but not crucially. Attendance is indicated in unique visitors per month.
The database is divided into categories with the url, the title of the bulletin boards and the number of unique visitors per month. The document format is .xlsx
All-Russian national bulletin boards.
Number of boards - 391 pcs.
The total attendance is 89 million unique visitors per month.
Automobile message boards.
Number of boards - 87 pcs.
Total attendance is 27,000,000 unique visitors per month.
Regional bulletin boards and portals.
Number of boards - 687 pcs.
Total attendance is 16313000 unique visitors per month.
Bulletin boards about animals.
Number of boards - 50 pcs.
Total attendance is 377,000 per month.
Medical bulletin boards.
Number of boards - 15 pcs.
The total attendance is 60,000 unique visitors per month.
Bulletin boards Industry.
Number of boards - 88 pcs.
Total attendance - 1480000 unique visitors per month
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