Content: РОль организационной стуктуры.rar (154.89 KB)
Uploaded: 21.02.2017

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Kursovaya po distsipline teoriya organizatsii,na temu:"Rol´ organizatsionnoy struktury v razvitii organizatsii", antiplagiat 80%, sdavalas´ v MEI v 2016 godu,otsenka 5.

Vvedeniye 3
Organizatsionnyye struktury: teoreticheskiye podkhody. Problemy formirovaniya.
Proyektirovaniye organizatsii. Printsipy postroyeniya organizatsionnoy struktury
Formirovaniye podrazdeleniy organizatsionnoy struktury 13
Tipy organizatsionnykh struktur i ikh analiz. 15
Zaklyucheniye 26
Spisok literaturnykh istochnikov 27
Coursework on discipline organization theory, on the theme: "The role of the organizational structure in the development of the organization," antiplagiat 80% trade-in MEI in 2016, rating 5.

Introduction 3
Organizational structure: theoretical approaches. formation problems.
Design organization. Principles of organizational structure
Formation units of the organizational structure 13
Types of organizational structures and their analysis.
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