Содержимое: The_Black_Watchman_004.txt (62 B)
Доступно: 1
Загружен: 09.02.2017

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Продано: 3
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“If you’re looking for something out of the ordinary, The Black Watchmen is an excellent introduction to alternate reality games, successfully merging an engaging fictional world with real-world activities and challenging puzzles that are best solved collaboratively with other players.”
4.5/5 – Adventure Gamers

“The puzzles are clever, the storyline is engaging, and the eerie background music and creepy videos help set the stage for sinister happenings.”
5/5 – Gameinformer

“It gains a fantastic sense of a world, a real mystery to sink into, a web of secrets on the web, a sense of being part of something bigger.”
Positive – Rock, Paper, Shotgun

This is not your typical game: The Black Watchmen is unlike any other game on Steam. You will have the opportunity to complete tasks unique to PARGs. You must be prepared: There is no virtual world, and you have no in-game avatar. You have an agent name, your wits, and the support of the community, that is all. The game exists in the real world, and many times during missions you will be interacting with real world entities (players, businesses, organizations, etc.).

You will not be able to complete this game alone. Only with the help of the community will you be able to rise through the ranks, and become a veteran agent of The Black Watchmen.
1. Необходимо скачать и установить клиент Steam http://store.steampowered.com/about/ (если еще не установлен);
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий;
3. В клиенте перейти в раздел "Игры" и выбрать "Активировать через Steam...", ознакомиться и согласиться с соглашением подписчика службы Steam и ввести ключ, полученный сразу после оплаты;
4. После активации игра появится в списке игр и вы сможете скачать ее. Процесс установки (скачивания) занимает около 15-50 минут (в зависимости от имеющегося интернет-канала).

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