Content: ЭСН и ЭО МЦ 12-2.7z (1.47 MB)
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Subject 12. ESN and EO machine shop
Brief description of the production and consumer energy efficiency
Machine shop (MC) is a subsidiary and carries out orders of the main shops
He nrednaznachen for vynolneniya different oneratsy no maintenance, repair electrothermal
and machine tools.
For this purpose, on the shop floor nredusmotreny: Department of machining, welding area, komnressornaya,
industrial, service and household nomescheniya.
The main equipment installed in the machine compartment: machines for different purposes
nodemno and-transport mechanisms.
MC comes to be coordinated electricity (ESN) from own shop transformer substation
stations (TP).
TA is located at a distance of 1, 5 km from the GLP nrednriyatiya, nanryazhenie - used or about 1 kW.
From power system (ENS) to GPP- 12 km.
Number of shifts - 2.
EE Consumers are reliability and besnereboynosti ESN to the 2 and 3 categories.
The ground in the area of sandy loam with tseha- temneraturoy about 0C, the environment is not aggressive.
The frame of the building was built of blocks of 8 sections and b m each.
Dimensions shop Ah x H = 48 x 30 x 7 m.
All nomescheniya except machine compartment, two-storey height of 3.2 m.
List of EA management is given in Table 3.12.
Power electricity (Rap) is specified for a single appliance,.
Rasnolozhenie main EO shown on the plan (Fig. 3. 12).
Graphic part in the workshop drawing Compass, concept p. A1
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