Industrial management control with the answers, 10 jobs.
Task 1: System approach to management. The essence of the production management. Place of production management in the organization´s management system. Innovation management in the production management.
Task 2. The production system of the organization. The main properties of production systems. management principles used in production management. production management functions.
Task 3. Technology management decision-making in production management. Classification of administrative decisions in the production and quality management menedzhmente.Organizatsiya service tasks produktsii.Printsipy flexibility and adaptability in production management. The production process, its composition and structure. The production cycle, its structure and duration.
Task 4. Basic principles of rational organization of production. Norms of labor costs in the organization. Factors that determine the type of organization of production. Technical and economic characteristics of the production types. Formation of the company´s product program. Comparison of the mass and unit production.
Task 5. The production capacity and the factors that determine the extent of its use. Features of the calculation of the production capacity of the organization. Assessment of the technological level of the organization: the degree of progressivity. Control and management of the quality of supply of resources. The choice of materials suppliers: the principles and criteria for decision-making. The relationship of industrial and organizational design. Factors determining the industrial structure of the organization.
Task 6. The organizational structure of management of the organization. The technical level of production management: types and kinds of equipment. The technical level of equipment: problems of physical and mental aging. Mugs quality, the principles of their organization and activity in the production management. Check proportionality production load in the context of workshops. Formation of the production structure of the organization.
Task 7. Forms specialization of production units. The types of storage systems and their parameters. Types of stocks and their functions. inventory control models: American and Japanese approaches. The concept of "buoyant" and "pulling" control systems.
Task 8. The control system "just in time". Information support production. The content of operations management in the organization. Operational scheduling with production management. Dispatching and routing of production.
Task 9. Objects and task scheduling. Types of schedules schedules to printing companies. The content and meaning of the dispatching control of production. Content intrashop and interdepartmental operations management.
Task 10. Simulation and its use in production management. Intellectual and industrial ownership and their use in production management. Planning and economic preparation of orders for production. technical control organization in the organization. Types of technical control and its purpose.
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