Content: Совершенствование процесса межличностых коммуникаций в организации с учетом типологических особеннос (154.56 KB)
Uploaded: 08.03.2016

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Improving interpersonal communication process in the organization, taking into account the typological features of personnel
Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of interpersonal communications by professional activities
1.1 The nature and characteristics of the communication process - 4
1.2.Vidy communications and communication barriers -9
1.3 Improving the effectiveness of interpersonal communication -16
14. Influence of typological features of the person in the process of communication - 18
Chapter 2. Characteristics of techniques
2.1. Methods of identifying the typological features of the person Young - 23
2.2. Methods of studying relations in small groups T.Liri - 24
2.3. Determination of the total sample - 32
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