Responses to test OYUI for college on the subject of Administrative Law in the file for the program exel Test Client.
Answer format: question -> write the number of the correct answer and the correct answer is written himself. The best format, the passage takes 10 minutes!
Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
We work with all the cities of the Primorsky Territory for more than 7 years!
The questions in the test:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "The organizing activities of executive bodies and other agencies carried out on the basis of and pursuant to the laws and consisting in everyday practical performance of the functions of the state"?
Administrative Law as an independent branch of law is
Prescription as a method of administrative law is
What are the main forms of permission can be carried out?
Responses to test OYUI for college on the subject of Administrative Law in the file for the program exel Test Client.
Answer format: question -> write the number of the correct answer and the correct answer is written himself. The best format, the passage takes 10 minutes!
Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
We work with all the cities of the Primorsky Territory for more than 7 years!
The questions in the test:
Which concept corresponds to the following definition: "The organizing activities of executive bodies and other agencies carried out on the basis of and pursuant to the laws and consisting in everyday practical performance of the functions of the state"?
Administrative Law as an independent branch of law is
Prescription as a method of administrative law is
What are the main forms of permission can be carried out?
10.11.2017 3:21:17