Content: Ответы по ТГП 2019-2020.rar (577.33 KB)
Uploaded: 10.06.2019

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The new list of questions with answers. Answers to all 142 questions on TGP. Responses are made using a new literature written concisely, strictly on the subject of the question (without water). Most questions are examples, which is very easy understanding.1. Theory of State and Law as a science, its subject of study.2. The theory of state and law as a science and academic discipline. The subject of the theory of state and law.3. Formation, development and current state of the theory of state and law4. The method of knowledge of the state and the rights and views. Classification criteria.5. Basic principles of scientific research of state-legal phenomena of the modern theory of law.6. The theory of state and law and humanities, their relationship and the relationship.7. Theory of state and law and jurisprudence industry, their relationship and interdependence.8. The categories and concepts of the theory of state and law.9. Theory of state and law and jurisprudence industry.10. Theory of the State and the rights and the historical and legal jurisprudence, their relationship and interdependence.11. The theory of state and law and its relationship with the modern humanities.12. General characteristics of the main theories of the origin of the state and law.13. Public authorities and social norms of primitive society.14. The difference between the law of the social norms of primitive society.15. The multiplicity of doctrines of state and law and the reasons for pluralism in understanding their essence and functions.16. Neolithic theory of the origin and nature of the state.17. The theory of violence, its essence and basic ideas about the origin of the state and law.18. Contract theory of the origin of the state and law, its essence and basic ideas.19. organic theory of the state and law, its essence and basic ideas.20. Irrigation theory of the origin and development of the state, its essence, the basic ideas and methodological significance.21. A slave state, its nature and function.22. Roman law system and its sources.23. The feudal state, its nature and function.24. The capitalist state, its nature and function.25. The socialist state and the features of its functioning.26. Bourgeois law, its nature and function.27. Features of states and legal systems of the transition period.28. Sociological Theory of Law, its basic ideas and current estimate.29. The natural law theory, its essence and basic ideas.30. Historical School of Law, its place and role in the history of political and legal doctrines.31. Normativistskaya legal theory: basic ideas, methodological significance and disadvantages.32. Psychological theory of law, its essence, the basic ideas and methodological significance.33. The Marxist theory of law and its basic ideas in modern legal culture.34. The system of individual rights and freedoms: the concept and types, the main ways to ensure and protect human and civil rights.35. The right of citizens to information, content, scope and forms of protection.36. The concept and structure of the legal status of the individual. Types of legal status of the individual.37. International and domestic (national) law, their relationship and interaction in modern conditions.38. The principles of the rule of law. Problems of building the rule of law in Russia.39. Civil society, its structure and features. Value of civil society and the state.40. The right of the state, their relationship and the relationship.41. The ratio of the state and the economy. The limits of state intervention in the economy.42. The Commonwealth and the community of states, their concept, characteristics and purpose of creation.43. Social state: concept and basic functions. Legal and social state in their relationship.44. Information society: the problem of modernization of the state and law.45. The legal concept of family and legal system. Types of legal families of today.46. Features of the national legal system in Russia. Discussion on the legal
110. Legal custom as a source of law. Customary law.111. The concept and structure of the regulations, their features and types.112. Regulatory and individual acts, the difference between them and the features of the application.113. The sources of the modern Russian law.114. The concept, types and methods of interpretation of normative legal acts.115. The action of normative legal acts in the area.116 and termination of normative legal acts in time.117. The action of normative legal acts of the public.118. The definition of "law". The main features of the law.119. The classification laws. Types of law in the Russian Federation.120. The method of presenting the legal provisions in articles of normative legal acts.121. The subject and method of legal regulation as the basis for the allocation of areas of law.122. The mechanism of legal regulation: the concept, structure and basic elements.123. The concept of the legal system, its features and main components.124 branches of law: the concept, the content and the subject of legal regulation.125. The legal institution: the concept and types.126. The concept of international law, its sources and the system, the relationship with the theory of state and law.127. public and private law.128. The substantive and procedural law.129. The concept, characteristics and types of relationships.130. The structure of relations.131. Concept and types of legal entities. Legal capacity of individuals and legal entities.132. The content of legal (subjective rights and legal responsibilities subjective).133. Objects of legal relations: the concept and types. Features of the main objects in a variety of relationships.134. Definition and classification of legal facts.135. The concept and forms of implementation of the law.136. Law enforcement as a kind of implementation of legal regulations. Steps in the process of application of law.137. The acts of law: the concept, structure and types.138. The concept of lawful behavior and its essence. Classification criteria of lawful behavior and views.139. The concept, features, and legal structure of the offense. Types of offenses.140. The concept and principles of legal liability. The main types of legal liability.141. The concept of globalization. Legal problems of modern globalization and ways to solve them.142. The concept of globalization and its impact on the state and law. Russia´s place in the globalized world.
16.01.2018 18:29:58
Большое спасибо.
30.05.2017 15:00:06
Спасибо, ответы очень понравились! Дополню свой отзыв. 16.06.2017 сдала первый экзамен по ТГП по данным ответам, сдала на 5!!! Для тех, кому еще предстоит сдача, напишу по порядку: 1) В билете 3 вопроса. 2) Вопросы в билетах полностью совпадают с примерным перечнем, ответы на которые продает данный продавец. 3) Нас сдавало 24 человека, из них одна пятерка (у меня), штук 8 четверок, и остальные получили тройки, двоек небыло не у кого! 4) В зависимости от приемной коммисии в кабинет заводят по 5 человек ну или как у нас было по 8 (так как коммисия была нормальная). 5) Комиссия задает дополнительные вопросы, но задают именно по-существу билета, так как они все прекрасно понимают, что вы списали, поэтому чтобы понять, что вы хотя бы разобрались в том, что отвечаете они параллельно могут что-то еще спрашивать.
10.01.2017 23:18:43
все пришло спасибо
10.06.2016 12:05:15
29.05.2016 1:47:58
Благодарю за ответы.
27.05.2016 0:05:27
Большое спасибо ответы получены.