Positive responses: 1
Negative responses: 0

Sold: 14
Refunds: 3

After payment you will receive data from Minecraft to enter the site \ client type Mail: Pass with the possibility of change of email, password and skin.
✸ Many beautiful nicknames!
✸ Change skin on her!
✸ The security question is not installed!
✸ If inventory does not empty death.
✸ When you log on the server there is no inscription "Try 3 seconds"
✸ The ability to access the server, even if it is full
✸ Play for foreign licensed servers
✸ Play interesting fashion on servers (MineZ etc.)

Tags: #Minecraft, #Minecraft Premium, # Mine

Any attempt at fraud - account blocking and a ban on the purchase.
Complaints received by the seller within 24 hours after payment of the goods and only through the "Correspondence with the seller," on http://www.oplata.info.

Please do not leave negative feedback before communication with the seller. (applies to those cases, if you have not figured out. Just contact us and we will help).
08.11.2016 19:49:36
Works as intended

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