Banking practice, 10 jobs.
Task number 1
The Bank provides financial services, organizes the movement of loan capital in the economy. Can we say that the bank is productive in nature?
Task number 2
What is the reason the appearance of "bank-table" on the busiest shopping areas?
Task number 3
What is meant by the term "transfer" and "written order" in the activities of the ancient banks?
Task number 4
What is the main purpose of commercial credit in the economy?
Task number 5
What is a credit institution regulates foreign exchange reserves and gold is a traditional guardian of the state foreign exchange reserves, regulates international payments, balance of payments, is involved in the operations of the world market of loan capital and gold represents the country in international and regional monetary and credit organizations?
Setting the number 6
Who are the participants of the leasing deal?
Target number 7
What types of accounts are used to account for the Bank granted loans?
Task number 8
What are the main reasons that the proposed bank service was not received by the client?
Setting the number 9
In what areas is the bank analyzes their relationships with customers?
Task number 10
What is the scheme of the resource analysis of any bank?
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17.06.2016 6:27:40
Контрольная работа по теме банковское дело и практическая ужасные. Какой то таблицей выслали, ну это ладно. На вопрос ответ состоит и двух слов, двух!!! Это контрольная, где должны быть полные, развёрнутые ответы, а не ДВА слова. Просила вернуть деньги, отказывают, якобы эти пару фраз на отметку 4. В практической чуть больше текста, на альбомную страницу все 10 ответов вместе с вопросами, так 10 ответа вообще нет. Ещё раз прошу вернуть деньги!!!!! Работы на оценку 2!!!